How does influence marketing work?
Nowadays, users give more reaction to ratings on social media or opinions of a person rather than believing in advertisements.

This is made the basis of influencer marketing where an influencer will write about the products in their personal and social channels.

People tend to believe what the influencers have to say about something, over the media.

Many marketing companies don’t even have influence marketing on their radar as it such a unique method of the product. In many cases, it’s out of their control as more of an individual voice takes hold rather than the standard static corporate ad.

Digital ads are not given the same interactive and emotional response by the consumer.

The feedback and ratings on social media about a particular brand or product also adds greatly to the product or brand being showcased and is the new product placement platform.

Why is influencer marketing now bigger than digital advertising? & How did that happen?

Trust and honesty is a very important factor in marketing.

We all know which media we trust and distrust and in most cases just simply by the subject header.

Traditional media is scrambled with misinformation and the general consumer would rather interact with their products or services of interest on a social level.

Consumers do not buy goods or services unless they are completely assured that the product or service is perfect for their needs in every way.

It is believed that if you influence the mind, you have the world in your hands and that’s what influencers are doing.

Influencers have built up relations in order to gain trust to become, influencers. Much commitment and nurturing have gone into building those connections.

When it comes to building up relations and creating a positive message around a specific brand that is where influencer marketing has a higher standard compared to digital advertisements.

Let’s throw light upon, Influencer marketing as ‘THE NEXT BIG THING.’

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9724722


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